soul full
mentorship + therapy
bridging the personal + collective for radical transformation
Here we flip the healing paradigm on it’s head.
The healing industry has been co-opted - promoting self-care and being your best. The individualism, self-reliance, and hustle reinforces the illusion that we are not enough and must DO more.
It’s time for something different.
This is it. Rather than being led by our conditioning, we are led by our SOUL. The preconditioning. The untamed, TRUE parts of ourselves.
You come home to you. Not by me telling you what to do, but through YOU. When you slow down and listen to your SOUL you know the answers you’ve been searching for. There’s no truth outside you that’s more valuable than the truth inside you. And I witness you, hold you, and support you as
you land in the throne of your heart.
I help women - like you - soften into yourSelf and put YOU back in your life. All by REMEMBERING who you are.
I love this work because it’s my walk, my personal medicine and what I learned while waking up to how good it can be - even in the everyday human sh*t of life.
I spent decades healing, doing it right, and fixing anything that seemed broken. That’s decades of self inflicted, internalized patriarchy, masked by being spiritual.
I gave away the teachings I’d studied for 15 years, catalyzing a massive dark night of the soul. I woke up to big T childhood trauma that I thought was just kind of normal. And the fact that my low grade misery (which I thought was special and made me dark and mysterious) was actually untreated clinical depression.
Fast forward… I SURVIVED!!!! And as I rose from the ashes, we got to move home to the bay (Bay Area, CA), I chose to put myself on anti depressants, and I came home to me.
I’ve walked, cried, laughed, crawled - all the way here. And because I made it through, my work is my offering - to help you move all the way to the otherside.
Hello sister, I’m Aleen.
Sacred Roots
generational healing from the ground up
in women’s words
“Working with Aleen was transformative. In the intensive time we worked together I found clarity that I had been seeking independently for over 2 years. She saw into me and called me forth, my truth, my dreams, me. If I had known that I could make such progress in 1 month I would have signed up to see her years ago.”
You’re Ready
in women’s words