to becoming the radical force we all need

You feel deeply.
You hear the CALL.
You’re ready to answer.


We’re in the shattering.

The grief of losing everything you’ve known, in your personal life AND in the global collective.

You’re here at this time for a reason.

It’s time to:


Your medicine is required. We’re birthing something new.
And what we birth must be different than anything that’s come before so we can fully TRANSFORM

The hopelessness you feel is real AND it’s a systemic form of control.

The worse we feel, the easier it is for us to fall back asleep, to plug back into the Matrix, AND to not stand in our rebellious resistance to birthing the new.

It’s all dying so we can LIVE.

So we can break free from the handcuffs keeping us believing that the way it’s been is the way it has to be. Because the way it’s been didn’t include all of us, made sure we remained separate, competing for resources, using intimidation tactics to keep the status quo.

But, the transformation is here.

Imagine living in a world that honors each other. Where relationships are symbiotic. A world that blesses the water and the Earth, ensures clean air, and supports healthy regenerative fire. One that Listens to the messages of the animals and the plants. Reveres the wisdom that lives in our bodies.Remembers that we are all connected. And that the truth lives in our RE-MEMBERING.

This is still possible. Through us!

This is what I’ve trained for. My name’s Aleen - named for both my grandmothers.

I’m a social worker, a licensed therapist,
AND have been studying consciousness and spirituality for over half my life.

I spent my life studying change - in both the academics and my lived experience. I committed myself to growth and breaking cycles. I committed to the CAUSE. Period.

And then that all became too much pressure. I was going down and deep into my (5 year long) dark night of the soul. I had everything I’d wanted. Yet here I was, laid out by despair, while “functioning” and getting it all done as a ghost of myself.

Until I stopped and let it all go. All of it. And actually allowed me having it together fall away. And surfaced my own trauma and codependence. Came face to face with my internal colonizer and my white lady self. And looked all of it straight in the eyes.

And crumbled.

And from the ashes, I found myself again. And as I rose, I reclaimed — all of me. And then more and more and more. Until my wholeness moved into the collective. And more universes birthed.

And because of all this life, together we explore the energetics — experiencing the subtleties inside of ourselves and in the collective. We experience our own truth and how to hear it through the noise. We notice that radical transformation comes from a different place than we expected. And that what we pay attention to changes.

So that we, stay AWAKE. Actively crafting the new in our every breath, in our every thought, in our every moment. We live THE change.

Then we start to experience radical transformation (at all the levels) — and you find THE KEY.

And THE KEY is you.

I hear you asking… “but how?”

I know you want to know how to be yourself and change everything. And while on one hand it’s
that simple, it’s also very layered, and absolutely not what your mind thinks it is.

I know you feel hopeless and want to contribute to a better world. I know you hear the DEMAND.
And I know you’re answering the call.

And, I know that if you don’t do anything different, you feel like you’re rotting, living a soul-less life.

Together, we stay in this conversation, tuning into YOUR LIFE as your offering and the CHANGE you infuse into the world. Together we recognize we are not alone in this, not even close. There are so many people that care. There is so much support in the unseen. And we get a larger view by working with and understanding the energetics. You all, together we open the portal for us to come all the way online AND then we jump through TOGETHER.

We reignite the hope that was almost gone. And everything changes.


4 months at $111/month
New folks can join at the beginning of each month

Each Month:

Week 1
Teaching - rooted int the energetics of the collective
Week 2
Week 3
Circle - Live Gathering
Week 4

Private community of like hearted people + emergent goodies sprinkled along the way

Everyone is out and about selling snake oil with massive promises.
I get it. I’ve bought it (over and over again). 

And I know that it’s your hearts yearning to finally find the thing and do it right. But how do you really know? How can you really trust this? Or me? Or yourself?

My life has brought me through this initiation more times than I want to count.

And I’ve drank more kool aid and doused myself in snake oil plenty.
You feeling hesitant, not wanting to commit, not sure how to make the best choice, yep. I get it. 

I also know that you are whole and complete exactly as you are, and that we’re not here to change you, or sell you something, we are here to fully honor you as you are in this moment. And support you in finding YOUR TRUTH (not mine).

We are here for you to reclaim your power. Bring yourself all the way back into your own knowing. And enjoy coming home to yourself.

We are here to bolster you with support and community who are on the same journey in their own way so that you can experience hope, inspiration, and deepening for you.

This is YOUR CALL.
This is your choice.
And because of that, the whole experience is different.
It’s soothing, connected, authentic, and gentle. 

You’re here, now.

ALIVE at these prophesized times. Yearning to find your way through to
contribute in the big beautiful perfect way that only you can.

The answer is within you.
That you already have everything you need.
And that all you need is the space to lean into you. And live your truth into the world.

I know it helps to have a team of people who see you, your vision, your beauty, your power, your wisdom.

Because we need each other.

It’s the end of the world as we know it.

Through THE KEY, You’ll find Your Personal Thread in the Collective to become the radical force we all need.

We put your experience in life’s larger context.

We understand how your life is a cell in the body of the multiverse.

Opening up relief and personal power that transforms your life.

We’re not taught how to do this.
But this is the KEY.
The key to your whole self.
The key to becoming the radical force we all need.