Living that ordinary life…
Most of our life is simply ordinary. The things we do when we get up in the morning, eating food, working, spending time doing the same things. Right? Life is made up of so many little things. And we’ve been wired (programmed and socialized) to want big things. And somehow even when we have the big things, we regularly don’t celebrate them or get caught up in the not enough-ness.
So what happens when we appreciate the ordinary?
"The rhythm of life, that constant hum, the waking up to another day of work, play, and loving your people—it’s breathtaking if you listen to it. But first, we must choose to shift our perspectives, to experience these mundane, everyday occurrences and instead look for the magic." -Kayti Christian
We remember!
We remember the magic and the sacred. When we see the beauty in the flowers, and we see the way that wind blows and moves everything, and the plants that miraculously grow through the concrete. Even when we notice that we notice that we’ve done the things we’ve wanted to do, rather than denying ourselves or putting it off longer. Like those are ordinary things that got us right here to this moment. And when we start to remember and actively experience, simply, what is, we get to live more open hearted, more present, more appreciative.
And that feels good.
The invitation… notice the beauty in the mundane, the sacred in the ordinary. Document it (photo, journal, list). We benefit from noticing what works - and what works can live in the now.
Writing this made me think of this We Can Do Hard Things podcast episode.