Hello Sacred Feminine

Take a breath with me, land in your body.

Here we are on the wildest ride. There is so much going on globally, politically, humanly, and individually. So much. One of the ways I be with all of this is with the Sacred Feminine.

This week I was invited to teach about the Sacred Feminine in 5 minutes. Right now, she is teaching me about her ability to embrace all of it: all the pain, all the grief, all the beauty, all the experience and simply be with it.

What is the Sacred Feminine? It is an energy that lives inside us and all around us. It is the flip of the world we’ve been conditioned to live in - the patriarchal, supremist culture of right and wrong, rigidity, needing to push, be productive and achieve. The Sacred Feminine is depth, space, wholeness. And it is embodied and experienced.

Here is the brief practice I offered in my teaching:

  1. Slow Down - take a breath

  2. Allow & Feel - be with whatever surfaces

  3. Connect with your Body - feel your body (your hands, legs, feet)

  4. Connect with the Earth - feel her under you, holding you

  5. Settle here

Take a moment to be in this energy. We have access to it all the time. It simply takes you placing your attention on it.

There are infinite more things I can say about the Sacred Feminine and her rise, so please reply with your questions or insights.


What do you want?


Our Delicate Emergence…