What do you want?

I am in the midst of a beautiful opening in my psyche on the concept of WANT. And my inkling is that it probably resonates with other folks (especially since we live in a society that demonizes pleasure).

My two best friends came for a visit recently. We hadn’t been in person in a long time, I had a baby they hadn’t met, and postpartum is not an easy time in my world. Not to mention, we really WANTED to be together.

We had the best weekend. And as we sat on the couch and we talked (and talked and talked) about places I felt stuck - we got into my blocks around want - what I want and all the excuses I have for not allowing myself to want. 

Then the whole experience popped. Ultimately, I got to a place of complete acceptance and understanding that it was okay to want. Then I got to the place that I need to want AND that wanting is a part of our liberation. Then I understood that the whole point of life is doing what we want!!! Boom!

In the potency of summer - the brightest, hottest, most expansive season -at the dawn of the new world… what do you want? Like all of it. I would love to hear! 

With a light heart full of yearning, 




Hello Sacred Feminine