Overwhelm & Your Mental Health
I’m dreaming up my next offering and I am in full blown summer mode. And of course, old patterns resurface as I am creating something new, which is human and typical, and totally ok. So as overwhelm crept in in the last two weeks and I dealt with it by adding more (old pattern) and then started to get crispier and crispier. So I am here to drop a line about overwhelm and how to work with the self.
We exist in a culture where getting s*** done is a primary value. And overwhelm is a common result. Trying to keep up, comparing yourself to others, so much to do, so little time, and hustle.
When we tune in, get quiet, and really be with ourselves in the experience of overwhelm, we start to notice the emotion is simply trying to get our attention. We often judge how we feel: “I shouldn’t be overwhelmed, other people have it so much harder” etc. Or we override how we feel “I just need to push through.”
First, we notice when we are overwhelmed. What are your overwhelm indicators? Hard time focusing, heaviness in your body, short fuse, clumsiness, etc.
Second, we allow the overwhelm and be present with it. Take deep breaths, feel the Earth under your feet, notice what you see.
Third, we quest with it… What is the overwhelm trying to tell us? What is important for us to know?
Fourth, what needs to be done with this information?
When we stop judging and be with, so much pressure is alleviated and the experience of overwhelm can start to move.
As you may imagine, this can do wonders for your mental health.
What do you notice when you try this one? Drop a comment or a message.