Summer Energy & Mental Health
We often forget that we are human beings made up of the same material as our Earth. So yes, the seasons, the stars and planets, and everything going on around us (in our environments, in our communities, in our world, in our plants, our animals, etc.) impacts inside of us.
Do you know about the energies of the seasons? Summer… the season of action, movement, intensity, excitement, illumination, SUN!!
And this can translate in all kinds of ways inside of us. Yes, summer is fun and exciting, and it can also promote:
concern when you can’t keep up
lots of pushing and over doing which may lead to burn out
If you are feeling the intensity of summer and need some ideas on ways to support yourself, here’s a starting point:
get outside
soak up the sun
do what brings you joy
move your body
try a mindfulness practice (eat mindfully, meditate, journal)
When we grow a conscious relationship with our Earth, we remember who we are, most importantly, we are children of our Earth.